When Disputes At Home Lead To Domestic Violence Charges
Family life and intimate relationships often bring out intense emotions and, sometimes, aggression in times of conflict. It is not uncommon for couples and close family members to argue and even fight.
When arguments get out of control and law enforcement officers come into the picture, a private entanglement may become public. If you have been accused, charged or arrested on suspicion of domestic violence, please consider your conflict a criminal case. Even if the person who called the police has recanted after a single incident or if charges have not yet been filed, you are at risk of acquiring a damaging criminal record as a result. You need legal counsel without delay.
At KesslerWilliams, we vigorously represent our clients who are suspected of committing violence against family members and significant others. We also assist clients who seek orders of protection as victims of abuse.
Answers To Common Questions About Orders Of Protection
For general information about orders of protection, see the questions and answers below. To obtain legal advice, let us hear from you.
What consequences may I face if my spouse, significant other or other household member has taken out an order of protection against me?
Even before a protection hearing, you will be barred from all direct forms of communication with, and surveillance of, the person who took out the order against you. You may be unable to maintain contact with your minor children. If you violate the terms, you may be charged with a class A misdemeanor or, if it is a repeat offense, a class E felony. If you are not a U.S. citizen, law enforcement officials may report your case to immigration authorities, too.
I have experienced threats and/or acts of sexual violence by my spouse or domestic partner. What protections can I get in an order of protection due to domestic violence?
An order of protection will prohibit physical or emotional abuse, stalking or sexual assault against you by the person named in the document. Subsequent incidents of violence or threats of abuse may bring immediate criminal charges.
Who can get an order of protection?
A family or household member who has been a victim of domestic violence, who has been stalked or who has been sexually assaulted.
Can I get an order of protection when the courthouse is closed?
Yes. Papers filed must then be certified by the judge or court on the next business day.
Domestic Violence Advocates Representing The Accused As Well As Survivors Of Abuse
Our trial attorneys are fighters for justice. No matter where you find yourself in a domestic abuse or violence situation, our lawyers are here at this difficult time to help you through the necessary protection or criminal process.
To schedule a consultation about domestic violence charges, claims of abuse and more, call 314-720-5476 or complete our online inquiry form.